Institutional // Committees

The following Specialized Committees, made up of the representatives of the Associated Banks, carry out their activities at ADEBA

It analyzes regulations or legislative initiatives regarding the Capital Market, so that financial institutions can implement them effectively.

It gives advice to the authorities of the Association and the other Technical Committees about regulatory matters of the sector, taking into consideration the applicable laws, case law, and the opinion of specialized jurists.

Improvement of internal audits by harmonizing criteria and devising common strategic plans to optimize the function.

Adopting a position on the local law that governs the banking business in order to contribute to the observance of both local rules and any such international regulations applicable to the activity.

This is where the Human Resources Managers of the associated banks analyze human capital management, training, and development.

It harmonizes criteria regarding the implementation of tools inherent to comprehensive risk management in compliance with the regulations on the matter.

It analyzes federal, provincial, and municipal tax impact on the banking business and the proper implementation of regulations on the matter.

It evaluates and interprets the accounting standards and rules of the BCRA and the Profession so as to ensure correct and consistent application by the Associated Banks.

It implements the operating regulations of the associate banks, especially those transactions concerning funds and treasury movements.

It examines the PML/TF regulations and cooperates with domestic and multinational organizations and entities in the strengthening of the Argentine Financial System.

It analyzes the BCRA regulations on the matter, suggests improvements of, and adjustments to, the legal provisions currently in force, and assesses the risks inherent in the granting of loans.

It analyzes the degree of efficiency of banking security measures, and promotes new technologies to reduce the typical risks of the banking and/or financial activity.

Comisión Exterior y Cambios Coordinador Titular: Pablo Reverter (BANCO SUPERVILLE) Coordinador Adjunto: Alfredo Muscari (BANCO MACRO) Coordinador Adjunto: Roberto Fernandez (BANCO GALICIA) Análisis e interpretación del marco normativo que regula elSeguir leyendo